Complete instructions for replacing the battery in your Dyson V7 Animal Absolute handheld vacuum cleaner:

  1. Referencing the guide: The example shown here may not match your specific model, but the process remains essentially the same.
  2. Battery replacement indicator: If your machine displays a red blinking light that flashes more than 12 times, it means that the battery needs to be replaced.
  3. Safety first: Always ensure that you disconnect your machine from its charger cord before attempting any maintenance tasks.
  4. Loose screws: To remove the Dyson 225403 battery pack, you will need to undo three Philips screws that hold it in place. These are located on the handle and on the underside of the machine.
  5. Battery disposal: Once the old battery pack is removed, dispose of it safely per local waste regulations.
  6. Inserting the new battery pack: The new Dyson V7 vacuum battery pack can then be inserted into the handle using the same screws.
  7. Final steps: Secure the new Dyson battery pack into place with the three existing/supplied screws.
  8. Seeking assistance: If you have any further questions or need additional advice, BattAussie robot vacuum battery experts are standing by to assist you.

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