How to Maximize Mac Battery Usage and Capability

Apple Mac users have received the new upgrade with new features namely OS X Yosemite. Conserving battery life has always been a major concern for any laptop users, including Apple MacBook users. To help Aussie Mac users maximize their MacBook battery life, today BattAussie battery experts compiled following  tips to extend your Apple laptop battery life.

1. App Nap is a feature that slows down apps that are on the background to not consume too much battery on your laptop computer.

Leaving this on will make your battery life longer but the apps to start up slower. But if multitasking is important for you, you can disable this feature by right clicking on the app and click Get Info and check ‘Prevent App Nap’ for the app to respond quickly.

2. Lowering MacBook brightness on your screen could save your battery a lot of hours. Clicking F1 can adjust your Mac’s brightness display and lowering it preferably below the half mark would increase Apple 15 inch macbook pro battery life.

3. Notification Center can also consume battery if it constantly gives you push notification. Turning the ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature for the notification center could help.

However, if this feature is not useful for you, you could delete the notification center permanently by doing some tweaks in Terminal.

Enter the following command in Terminal:

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ KeepAlive -bool false

After that, enter this command:

killall NotificationCenter

by logging out of your Mac and logging back in, all notifications will be gone forever which could help with Mac battery.

4. You can check which application is using the most energy and turn it off if you’re not using it. With the Yosemite’ new Activity Monitor you can see the application that eats up a lot of battery by enabling ‘show’ Energy Impact by right clicking on the headers on the Activity Monitor and click the ‘Energy Impact’ to see what program uses the most energy and close that application if not in use.

5. Auto App Updates has been added in Yosemite. It automatically updates apps in the background and it could consume battery if you are unaware of the update and could be a pain if you are running out of Apple a1322 battery that you need. 

You could turn this feature off and update an app on a more comfortable time you want by going to system preference then app store and uncheck install app
6. Always disable Bluetooth when not in use. If working on the road and a wireless keyboard or mouse is not in use, disable the Bluetooth from your MacBook as it will constantly look for another device causing it to use battery that you might need.

7. When not in use, disabling the wireless network would drastically increase Apple battery life as all apps that need internet would be turned off including push notifications such as emails and the like.

8. Energy Saver option is available for the Yosemite and enabling it would reduce battery drain and will help your battery in the process. Energy Saver include choosing to put hard disks to sleep, when possible, and dimming the display when running on the battery.

9.  As much as possible avoid using an optical drive and even leave a CD or DVD inside as it may still be running even if not in use causing the battery to drain as well.

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[…] Apple Mac users have received the new upgrade with new features namely OS X Yosemite. Conserving battery life has always been a major concern for any laptop users, including Apple MacBook users. To help Aussie Mac users maximize their MacBook battery life, today BattAussie battery experts compiled following tips to extend your Apple laptop battery …  […]

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